Location: New York, NY, USA
Description: Take blender: Pour in some pop, rock, folk, alternative, lots of guitars, lots of vocals, harmonies, some broken pieces of Kate Bush's The Dreaming CD and hit PULVERIZE. The resulting sound is Sophisticated Kink.
Biography: Gene-Manuel's manna, his life force, his essence, his soul, his life's breath, form an aggregate mojo projectile that punctures the spirit and releases the sweet nectars of Gaia. Gene-Manuel is a blues-goddess avatar spinning out a music wholly unrecognizable to the like of Robert Johnson, or even B.B. King, but the resulting easement on the pains of one's soul is much the same. Gene-Manuel is like the trendy prescriptions one takes after the mind or body is chopped asunder by the cleaver of life. Oxycontin to make one whole again, or two hundred Mgs of Gene-Manuel every couple hours, setting you free from binds of pain. Or better yet: when you feel just fine, and you start popping anyway? Well, thats when the fun begins. He isn't constricted by any particular musical genre, but easily flows between pop, rock, electronica, even folk. Creating diverse yet accessible musical landscapes.
Press Release:
Singer-songwriter Gene-Manuel describes his music in the following manner: If you were to take a huge, imaginary blender, pour in some pop, rock, folk, alternative, lots of guitars, lots of vocal harmonies, some broken pieces of Kate Bush's The Dreaming CD and hit the PULVERIZE button, the resulting concoction would be the music found on Sophisticated Kink.

Working alongside musical partner Michael Morgan, the two went into the studio with one credo in mind: to make music they wanted to listen to, without the confines of any particular genre or any pre-conceived commercial agenda. This freed them to create music for the sake of creating. The resulting disc is a melange that takes the listener through the thumping, guitar-driven soundscape of the title track, shoots them into orbit for the electronica-tinged and haunting 8 [Different Ways], then throws them into a mosh-pit for the rock-fueled CMon [Fully Loaded] and ultimately settling them down nice and easy with the acoustic beauty of Something Ive Always Wanted.

Along for the ride are the vestiges of Gene-Manuels musical muses such as Kate Bush, Paula Cole and Sophie B. Hawkins. Gene-Manuel now joins the rank of such independent artists that truly listen to their inner voice and lets that voice guide them through the creative process. Sophisticated Kink is full of raw, honest, thought-provoking music that not only moves the spirit but causes an involuntary bodily jerk every now and again, in a good way of course