Location: Auckland, , New Zealand
Description: An excellent blend of EM, electronica, and spacemusic, all of it wrapped up in an intriguing concept.
Biography: Vitaly [Vit-ta-lee] Zolotarev is a composer/producer of experimental electronic music residing in Auckland, New Zealand. From his childhood Vitaly was fascinated about two things - science fiction and history. Later, this interest, along with an ear for the bizarre and unusual, found its expression in his music as a unique blend of synth sounds combined with classical orchestra. As a teenager, Vitaly began experimenting with noises and instruments using two tape recorders. He started composing songs when he got his first guitar at age 14 and one year later, he formed his own school band. After high school Vitaly studied at Tomsk University of Automated Control Systems and Radio Electronics (Russia). There he started discovering the mysteries of audio production through establishing a small studio and recording his friends. Having graduated from university Vitaly began working for a company producing musical gear. It was a great chance to materialize his ideas into the design of studio equipment. However he soon realized that while he had love of technology it limited his true passion for developing experimental music. He started spending all his spare time in a studio. After two years he left the company and dedicated himself completely to making music. As a result in 1994 Vitaly formed his second band, which soon released a synth-pop album. In 1995, Vitaly moved to Uzbekistan in Central Asia. Here, he came across a delightful world of folk music. Merging synths with folk singing he created an exciting new musical style. Not surprisingly, his unique sounds combination soon attracted the attention of the biggest local label Tarona. Over the next four years Vitaly established himself as a highly innovative composer/producer of ethno and world music. He won 'Best Song of the Year' award in 2000 and 'Best Composer of the Year' in 2001. This period of time also provided him with invaluable song writing experience. In 2002, Vitaly emigrated to New Zealand. Eclectic by nature, he has never restricted himself by listening one music style being interested in everything from classical to hard rock. Consequently fate was to provide a big surprise, again! This time the genre was hip-hop. Collaboration with one of New Zealand’s finest DJs (DJ CXL) has led to the birth of a new direction in electronic instrumental genre. Having such diverse experience it was no wonder that Vitaly started using it for what he loves doing most of all - instrumental electronic music. Never afraid of stepping outside of traditional frameworks he is constantly experimenting with different ideas as he seeks to find his own unique sound and style. As such his works are full of mystery, bizarre sounds, contrast transitions and yet the music always remains highly melodic. 'Looking at the Stars' is Vitaly's new album combining elements of EM, Electronica and New age music. Available from
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